Saturday, February 28, 2009

Wow!! Taday was great, i climbed The Great Wall and got to go see an acrobatic show in Beijing. The wall was probably my favorite part of the trip so far. On the wall there are guard towers all the way up the wall and me and my Dad made it up to the 4th tower(which was pretty high up, about a billion stairs! just kidding, but it was still pretty high). my mom only made it up to the first tower, she was tired on the first couple steps, but that was her goal and she met it. Then after the wall we went to an acrobatic show and watched that performance and it was pretty neat to watch because they were so strong and flexible they could do almost anything. The theme of the show was birds and freedom, stuff like that and my favorits part of the show had to of been either when the guys balanced on the boards and flipped bowls into one another on their heads or when they ran and jumped through the hoops. It was alot of fun today and we all had a great time, especiallh since i was more awake. wish us luck and pray for us on our flight to Nanning we get Gabriel on monday here, Sunday night at home, be home soon and with a new member of the family :)

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