Thursday, February 26, 2009

Ok first off, flying takes way longer then it seems. At the moment I am flying out of Seattle, Washington (where I enjoyed a delicious cup of Starbucks in its birthplace)and I am on my way to Tokyo, Japan. From Japan we will complete the last leg of our trip that takes us to Beijing. Today has been pretty good so far so I hope it stays that way, I was a little nervous about flying when we first boarded in Cincinnati, but I was reassured by my parents that everything will be ok and just to trust that god will get us through unharmed. Right before departure in Cincinnati they told us that something was wrong with the plane and that we would be running about 10 minutes late, yea whatever….. after about 15 minutes they said through the announcer thing that we were going to be a bit later then what we were originally told, DUH, but we trusted in god and he got us through the flight with no problems!!! J J J that’s no surprise, god loves us all and if you just trust in him everything will be ok. Like I said before we are on the plane to Tokyo right now, and guess what… there are T.V. screens built into the back of the seats. I have already watched 3 movies on it, Hercules, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, and The Sandlot (a classic). Oh and I played Bejeweled forever, I got the top score on the plane!! All-time even, I’m just so good. Then on our flight to Beijing i was so tired i slept the whole trip!!! I was out and you were not going to wake me up. When we arrived at the airport in Beijing we had to collect our baggage and find our guide. When we found her she took us to our hotel and we all got a good night's rest :)

1 comment:

  1. God is so good. looks like you had a wonderful time :)
