Thursday, March 5, 2009

Today was a long day, we took a 2 hour car ride to Gabriel's city today. Whille we were there we visited his orphanage, his finding spot, and a local pottery shop that seemed to be very popular.

At his orphanage we got to meet this little boy who seemed to have been in foster care and he had a cleft lip defect, but he was so sweet. I would have guessed him to have been only 1 or 2, maybe younger. We played in a little room with the little boy for a while and G had fun with the video camera. We were there for about thirty minutes before we had to leace to go see Gabriel's finding spot.

G's finding spot was right in front of a life insurance building, not far from the orphanage. W only stayed for about five minutes for pictures and stuff like that. Mom got a little bit emotional when our guide told us this was were he was found. She said that she couldn't imagine someone abandoning a child like that. Then we headed to the pottery.

We had a little bit o trouble finding the place because it had moved since the last time our driver was there. It took us and extra 20 minutes just to find it, what a drag, haha. When we finally found it we got to go up into the factory part and watch them make some of the pottery. It was pretty neet to watch how then hand carved every detail into the sculptures and vases. Then mom found the giftshop, oh no, mom was probably in there for an hour just looking at tea sets and dolphin sculptures. She finally bought 2 tea sets, one for a friens and one for us, and a set of dolphin sculptures for our house. Finally our day in his city was over and we headed back to the hotel, 2 hours away, for some much needed rest.

Monday, March 2, 2009

YAY!!!! Yesterday was a great day, I got my new baby bro!!! He is so cute you just want to squeeze him, haha and that is pretty much all we did yesterday. We went out at 10 to go shopping at Wal-Mart for some snacks, then we walked back to the hotel instead of taking a taxi. The greenery is so beautiful here in Nanning, this city is like our southern florida, it is nice in the winter but very hot in the summer. Then at 3 o'clock we went to the Civil Affairs office to get the little guy. Me and my parents were very nervous and anxious to meet the little guy and we didnt know if he would like us or not?? A couple minutes later when he walked in the room my parents were so overjoyed to see him, he is so adorable!! I was working the video cam so i didnt get to play with him at first but when we got back to the hotel i played around with him alot! He has a great smile and a wonderful laugh :) he loves Congee(The equivelent to something like gritz or porrage)and he also likes Noodles. Hope that i learn more about him tomorrow and that we play some more.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Wow!! Taday was great, i climbed The Great Wall and got to go see an acrobatic show in Beijing. The wall was probably my favorite part of the trip so far. On the wall there are guard towers all the way up the wall and me and my Dad made it up to the 4th tower(which was pretty high up, about a billion stairs! just kidding, but it was still pretty high). my mom only made it up to the first tower, she was tired on the first couple steps, but that was her goal and she met it. Then after the wall we went to an acrobatic show and watched that performance and it was pretty neat to watch because they were so strong and flexible they could do almost anything. The theme of the show was birds and freedom, stuff like that and my favorits part of the show had to of been either when the guys balanced on the boards and flipped bowls into one another on their heads or when they ran and jumped through the hoops. It was alot of fun today and we all had a great time, especiallh since i was more awake. wish us luck and pray for us on our flight to Nanning we get Gabriel on monday here, Sunday night at home, be home soon and with a new member of the family :)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Ok first off, flying takes way longer then it seems. At the moment I am flying out of Seattle, Washington (where I enjoyed a delicious cup of Starbucks in its birthplace)and I am on my way to Tokyo, Japan. From Japan we will complete the last leg of our trip that takes us to Beijing. Today has been pretty good so far so I hope it stays that way, I was a little nervous about flying when we first boarded in Cincinnati, but I was reassured by my parents that everything will be ok and just to trust that god will get us through unharmed. Right before departure in Cincinnati they told us that something was wrong with the plane and that we would be running about 10 minutes late, yea whatever….. after about 15 minutes they said through the announcer thing that we were going to be a bit later then what we were originally told, DUH, but we trusted in god and he got us through the flight with no problems!!! J J J that’s no surprise, god loves us all and if you just trust in him everything will be ok. Like I said before we are on the plane to Tokyo right now, and guess what… there are T.V. screens built into the back of the seats. I have already watched 3 movies on it, Hercules, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, and The Sandlot (a classic). Oh and I played Bejeweled forever, I got the top score on the plane!! All-time even, I’m just so good. Then on our flight to Beijing i was so tired i slept the whole trip!!! I was out and you were not going to wake me up. When we arrived at the airport in Beijing we had to collect our baggage and find our guide. When we found her she took us to our hotel and we all got a good night's rest :)